Going starts with waiting...but waiting on WHAT? Discover the key that unleashes God's power for the call on your life. In this message, Pastor Curtis explores Acts 1:4-14 where Jesus tells his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. Despite being called and commissioned to go, the first thing Jesus tells them to do is wait. The pastor examines what this passage teaches us about the importance of waiting on God through prayer before we embark on his call on our lives. Key points covered: - Jesus tells his disciples to wait in Jerusalem despite just charging them to go into all nations. - Waiting seems counterintuitive to going, but Jesus knows we need his strength, not our own. - The disciples devoted themselves to prayer while waiting, showing prayer's importance. - United in prayer, they received the Holy Spirit's power and boldly went out to witness. - We too must wait on God through prayer before we can effectively fulfill his call on our lives. - Prayer brings us closer to God's heart, empowers us by his Spirit, and produces unity among believers. Join us to learn how going for God truly begins with waiting on him in prayer. Whether feeling called to a new chapter or struggling through a season, this message will encourage you in depending on Christ's strength over your own.